Genetal Herpes

Genital Herpes

Ayurveda Treatment For Genital Herpes.

Herpes is caused by either of two viruses that are transmitted by direct contact. Once established, the virus remains dormant in the body, and activates during times of stress. Herpes is caused by two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV): HSV-type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-type 2 (HSV-2). Either virus can cause blisters in the mouth or genital region, but HSV-2 typically affects the genitals, whereas HSV-1 most commonly affects the mouth.

According to Charakaacharya the herpes which is limited to skin and underlying tissues (bahya margashrita) can be treated. The herpes which affects skin, blood and lymph can be treated successfully. But the herpes which involves the internal organs (abhyantara margashrita) like brain can not be treated. But before knowing about the treatment a brief introduction about causes, symptoms and precipitating factors for herpes as described in ayurveda are given here.

When a person indulges in mentioned activities the three doshas of body element which controls nerves, neurons and related physiology),Pitta (the element which regulates and controls the body and cell metabolism. Also present in skin) and and Kapha (the element which binds the tissues and gives strength to body) get imbalanced. The imbalanced doshas vitiate or spoil-

  1. 1.Blood (rakta)
  2. 2.Lymph(lasika)
  3. 3.Skin (twacha)
  4. 4.Muscle (mamsa)

Treatment(according to ayurveda)

Balancing Imbalanced Doshas And Vitiated Tissues
When body is suffering from a disease the balance between three doshas will be disturbed. The first step of treatment is to balance doshas. This is achieved by administering medicines which balance the vitiated doshas of the disease .In genital herpes all three doshas get imbalanced and vitiate skin, blood and lymph. The skin,blood and lymph are purified through herbal preparations which metabolize the toxin AAMA accumulated in blood and lymph formed due to imbalanced doshas. The herbal preparations detoxify blood and lymph and expel the toxins and vitiated doshas from blood and lymph. When blood and lymph get purified the skin and underlying tissues also get rejuvenated. This reduces the inflammation, burning and tingling sensation. Clinical trials have shown that after the administration of these preparations the frequency of attacks are reduced considerably.

Boosting Body Immunity And Rejuvenation Of Body
According to Ayurveda a disease not only affects a particular organ but affects the whole body. Hence the treatment is given to the entire body. After balancing doshas of the body , the body should be rejuvenated. By rejuvenation the body immunity gets boosted to fight any recurrent attacks of diseases. Many Ayurveda preparations are available for body rejuvenation when body is suffering from herpes. The body immunity is boosted using Rasayanas. Rasayanas are specifically mentioned as herbal preparations which give body a strength to resist diseases.Rasayanas preparations balance vitiated doshas in skin and blood. When vitiated doshas of skin are balanced the frequency of attacks reduces. The duration between the attacks are extended considerably. These preparations also boost the body immunity and also rejuvenate the body tissues by nourishing the body.

Local Treatment for Affected Skin Parts
Along with the process of balancing doshas and rejuvenation of body, the treatment to the particular organ which is mainly affected by the disease should be treated. This is called local treatment (sthanika chikitsa). In genital herpes this is achieved through local application of herbal paste, washing the affected area with herbal decoction etc.
Rejuvenation of the affected local skin is achieved through local application of herbal pastes. This preparation rejuvenates the skin and restores the structure -color of skin. These preparations also reduce local inflammation of the skin and skin gets a very good resistance to subsequent attacks. The tenderness of the skin vanishes and skin discoloration fades to get back the natural color.

Diet and Lifestyle Modifications
These Help to rejuvenate body and mind thereby increasing resistance to attacks.These modifications also reduce frequency of attacks by controlling precipitating factors like mental stress and emotions.

Present Views on Genital Herpes And Ayurveda Treatment
According to modern medical science at present there are no medicines for Genital Herpes. And the precipitating factors for Genital herpes are -

  1. Illness
  2. Stress
  3. Poor diet
  4. Immune disorders
  5. Friction
  6. Sunburn
  7. Physical trauma
  8. Surgery
  9. Menstruation
  10. Sex

Of eleven reasons mentioned above the first five can be definitely avoided by adopting Ayurveda treatment methods.

Falling ill frequently is mainly due to decreased immunity of body. Due to decreased immunity body cannot resist the diseases. Many Ayurveda preparations which are called as Rasayanas are specially formulated by our ancient sages to boost the body immunity.

Stress is efficiently managed through YOGA and MEDITATION

Poor Diet
The nutritional deficiencies due to poor diet are effectively compensated by Ayurveda herbal Rasayanas

Immune Disorders
The immune disorders can be effectively controlled with Ayurveda herbal rasayana preparations.

In genital herpes the skin of affected part of genital organ will be very sensitive .Even a little friction during intercourse cause injury to that part. The sensitivity of the affected skin to friction can be reduced by applying herbal pastes locally. These herbs work wonders on affected parts of skin by rejuvenating skin cells to resist the frictional force.

A Complete Treatment
Virechana Basti.KrimiHara Bast And Yapana Basti.
According to Ayurveda treatment of genital herpes will be successful when all theabove mentioned treatment methods are adopted.

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